Des séries de questions/réponses mensuelles avec les développeurs

JudgeHype | 25/01/2013 à 10h29 - 7

Blizzard a annoncé la tenue régulièrement de séances de questions/réponses avec les développeurs de Diablo III. Chaque mois, les joueurs auront l'occasion de poster des questions sur un thème bien précis. Les questions les plus populaires trouveront une réponse officielle quelques jours plus tard.

Il s'agit bien sûr d'une excellente nouvelle, d'autant plus que toutes les régions du monde pourront y participer. L'annonce est pour l'instant limitée au site officiel US mais nul doute que la traduction française débarquera sous peu !
How It Works:
  • Each month, we'll select a new Ask the Devs topic and post what the topic is ahead of time in the forums.
  • On the date and time specified in the forum post, we'll unlock the thread and you'll be able to submit your questions on the chosen topic.
  • When the thread hits its cap (500 posts), no more questions will be allowed.
  • At that point, we'll ask you to use the thumbs-up button to vote for the questions you'd like to see answered.
  • After about 24 hours, we'll lock the thread, at which time you will no longer be able to vote.
  • We'll then look for the posts with the most votes in every region and pass them on to the Diablo III development team.
  • Approximately a week later, we'll provide you a list of answers delivered directly from the developers.
  • Only one question per post.
  • Stay on topic. Questions that don't relate to the chosen topic (even if highly-rated) won't be sent to the developers.
  • Discussion posts are not allowed! We ask that you only post questions in the Ask the Devs thread. If you would like to discuss related topics, please do so in another thread.
  • You can vote for questions at any time while the thread is unlocked.
  • A highly-rated post does not mean it will be answered, but we'll do our best to answer as many questions as possible.
  • "Dislike" votes don't count.
  • Please don't post or vote for questions you know we won't answer. We're not going to use these Q&As to announce new projects, expansions, or release dates. By the same token, we're also not going to answer questions that touch on subjects outside of the game and its design.
  • Keep your question concise. One to three sentences should be plenty to explain background and ask a question.
  • Vote for as many questions as you like.
  • All "Like" votes count. While you can't see the vote tally, we can. Even if a post is already highly rated, your vote still means something to that question (potentially) being answered.

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